Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sin City Quinn

I put out backroom freestyle and fuck all you hoes at the same time. I did it to see what people really wanted. Fuck All You Hoes is doing better than any song that I've ever released. What does that tell me? I spoke to Sweeze. He said they want the ignorant shit. Everything about my style was created in the mid 2000's. Over ten years ago. The game has changed. The name Adam Quinn. It's plain. It was perfect for 2008. Not anymore. Y'all don't give a fuck about lyrics. When I heard beats I would try to make them good songs by adding my words to them. That's not right. It's wrong now. Everything is backwards. So in order to survive. Or thrive. Change is a must. I'm pulling a 2chains. I'm not Titty Boy anymore. I wanted a name that nobody had. Remember Scott Free? Too many people had that. It's not original. But Sin City Quinn is. The only thing Google found was a Native American tranny. But hey. I had the name before her or him. It. You're gonna go search it. Remember the "..."Time to hit the reset button. The flows is drastically different. I been working on it in rhymes I had no intention of recording for a year. You'll hear them soon. I'm still focused on being original. That has not changed. And it won't. But change is a must. I can't keep trying to force it. I've made all the mistakes that I can, it's time to learn from them.

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