Sunday, December 8, 2013

I've been working on Pulp Noir for more than a year. This album is so important to me. I spent a lot of time just getting to the point where I felt like the music was surpassing No Place For Heroes. It took me forever. This album has the energy that No Place For Heroes and even The Outcome Volume 3 was missing. I've shown so much growth as an artist in the last two years. Two years ago I released No Place For Heroes and it was by far my best work. Hoodie Season and The Outcome Volume 3 came after. But now, I can honestly say, Pulp Noir is light years ahead of No Place For Heroes. So keep in mind when you're listening to No Place that that was two years ago. I stand behind the album but it ain't got shit on Pulp Noir. We recorded that album in my bedroom. When I listen to BackRoom Freestyle and Lost In The City, I see the difference, you will too, it's only a confirmation.

I've been excelling so quickly because I don't have to worry about carrying a whole group of people. I can rap to the beats I want to rap to. I don't have to worry about making sure somebody else sounds good on the song. I just have to worry about myself. When I was making Hoodie Season and The Outcome I was constantly having to take on the bulk of the load. I was picking the beats, mixing the albums, recording it for other rappers, and putting it out on the internet. I was doing everything but write their verses. It's just me now, and I love it like that. My work ethic is insane and that's why I have surpassed all the rappers around me.

We're going to be releasing a couple songs in the next few weeks. BackRoom Freestyle and either Single Tonight or Any Girl. As the new year approaches we'll be putting more content up on the internet. It's been lacking because I've been in the studio so much. I want to get the music right. Scratch that, the music is right. It just won't feel right until the world can hear it. I've never been more anxious. So stay tuned. Follow me on Twitter (@adamquinnlv) and Instagram for everything Quinn.

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